Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability with the use of significant indentation. Python is dynamically typed and garbage-collected. It supports multiple programming paradigms, including structured, object-oriented and functional programming.
1. Evolution of programming language
a. What is programming language
b. Why programming language is required
C. Differences between programming languages
2. Introduction to Python
a. Installing Python
b. Running Python
c. Basic syntax
3. Control Structures
a. Conditional statements (if-else)
b. Loops (while, for)
4. Functions
a. Defining functions
b. Arguments and parameters
5. Data Structures |
a. Lists
b. Tuples
6. Input and Output
a. Reading input
b. Writing output
7. Modules and Packages
a. Importing modules
8. Object-Oriented Programming
a. Classes and objects
b. Inheritance
9. Exception Handling
a. Try-except block
a. Using debuggers
11.Advanced Topics
a. Generators and iterators
b. Decorators
c. Context managers
d. Data types and variables
e. Operators
f. Comments
12. Break and continue statements
a. Return statement
b. Dictionaries
c. Sets
d. File handling
e. Creating and using packages
f. Polymorphism
g. Raise Custom Exceptions
h. Common debugging techniques
i. Multithreading and multiprocessing
1. Pip
a. What is pip
b. How to install pip
2. Introduction to Django
a. Installing Django
b. Creating a Django project
3. Models
a. Creating models
b. Fields and field options
a. Creating views
b. URL routing
5. Admin panel
a. Enabling the admin site
b. Customizing the admin panel
6. Templates
a. Creating templates
b. Template syntax
8. Django Rest Framework
a. Installation
b. Serializers
c. Requests and Response
c. Pip usage
C. Django project structure
d. Django terminology
c. Migrations
d. Querying the database
C. Request and response objects
d. Rendering templates
C. Creating admin users
d. CRUD operations in admin panel
c. Template inheritance
d. Context variables
C. Rendering data using control structures
d. Views
e. Status Codes
f. Settings
d. Basic Concepts
e. Basic Commands
*Part-2 is taught by developing a blog project parallelly
Standared Laptop
Good internet connection
Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability with the use of significant indentation. Python is dynamically typed and garbage-collected. It supports multiple programming paradigms, including structured, object-oriented and functional programming.